Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hi all! So the girls go back to school on August 23 rd, yay! were all excited and I start school the following week. The kids have gotten all there new uniforms and school shoes, back packs, school supplies. Taylor starts Jr. high-6th grade and Megan is going into 5th grade. Luckly there school is K-8th!

--Kameron took a shaver in the shower & made a streak down the middle of his head.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Our fun filled weekend!!

We had a really fun action packed weekend. Friday we started it off by heading down to the Angels Stadium. Michael and I and the girls and then my bff Stacy and her daughter Caylyn followed us down to the stadium. Along the way we stopped at Don Jose and ate which is a favorite of Michael's and Stacy also loved the food. I don't eat much lately especially spicy foods everything affects my stomach problems, so I just ate a plane old corn taco not fried, but it was fun to see the rest of them eat all there food I think Stacy licked her plate haha! We also met up with Aunt Kathy & Uncle Gary. We Went to the Harvest Crusade which is awesome, and Christian pastor Greg Lori spoke and some really great bands played! it was a nice time. Then we decided that we would head home and get up the next morning and head to magic mountain for the day and that we did it was fun! Michael had a great idea and suggested that we all going on a roaring rapids ride! Umm NO get our hair wet, shoes went, Oh and mind you it was close to almost 8pm, so Michael graciously said he would take the kids on the water ride so Stacy and I could go on a few rides to gether and that we did. Michaels last words to us were YOU'LL SEE WE WONT EVEN HAVE A DROP OF WATER ON US! about an hour later we met back up with Michael and the girls and my oh my they were all soaking wet from head to toe! It was almost funny. This is why I doo not go on water rides like this unless I have a bathing suit on! Haha.. Stacy, Caylyn, Michael the girls and I we all had a really nice fun weekend..

Monday, August 2, 2010

A few more family pics ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to add a few more pictures of my friend Jenn's daughter Adrina and my girls we havent seen her for awhile andnboy do kids grow so much when you so see kids for some time, boy they sure sprout like weeds. & a pic of My dad and I & the Riverside buffet and a few other pics. Enjoy! The x mas picture from back in the day is Michaels cousion Melanie Standing in the back, Then from left to right is Jason, the Michael or Brandon? Then cousion Tiffanie!-How cute!

New pictures & more Updates

Were all doing well, of course there is always constant work to be done on the new house! It's a never ending job, but compared to where it was last year I think that the house has come a loooong way and it looks great! But any home owners knows that right, its like you never know whats lerking in the shadows haha. things always seam to be breaking or a pipe busting! The latest fiasko is our garbage disposer has take a dive haha! O well story of our lives.

The girls are bothe doing great getting there school uniforms, new shoes, new back packs, socks and all the matching hair bows and hair ties, and ribbons,They are very excited they go back to school on August 23, the girls are just waiting for there school lists to come in the mail as to what they will need, since Tay is starting Jr. high she will need a few more things than just the basic items. Eithe way they are excited. I start back to school on AUGUST 31.. yeah. I AM STARTING MY CSI crime scene classes I am super excited, I hope to get into THE San Bernardino Sheriffs office with the Cornors office. I am adding lots of pics, of my dad myself, kAMERON., Kelsey, Taylors track team. The picture of Megan & the boy, his name is Christopher & he is Taylors 5th grade teachers son, I have become friends w/ her & she will be Megans teacher in 5th grade hes a sweet kid and he was soo happy that I took this picture. Megan was so embaressed! We love you all take care oxoxoxo

We have a new member to our family!

My Best & Most favorite girl cousin ever Lindsey has had her 3rd baby. Today August 2nd she and her husband Jake welcomed Brooklyn Andrea (haha thats not her middle name) but that is what I will be calling her :) She was born at 11:55 am, she weighed 8lbs 8oz and she was 20 inches long and her Older brother Tyler who is 4 years old is quite excited and her older sister kaitlyn who is 2 years old is also excited as well. They are such a cute little family! I am so excited for all of them! She lives up north from me, so I don't get to see her as much as I would like to. But Jennifer and Kennys baby Kelsey -My Niece they are 2 1/2 weeks apart! I am adding a pic of Brooklyn Andrea now :) she is precious .. OXOX to Lindsey & Jake & Kids, Take care and get lots of rest.. Holding Brooklyn is Kaitlyn. How precious!